"The Line between Crazy and Genius is very fine... Feel free to frequently cross it. And always bring back post cards."

- The Parrot Man

Friday, October 8, 2010

Bilbo Baggins Brewing Star Juice.. And Nobody Says no to Drugs. NOBODY!

For 'Bilbo Baggins Brewing Star Juice," and Nobody says no to drugs. NOBODY!" Week 05 did not let us down! We even had a Submission from Dr. Madame! Her First! And may I say what a first it was! And As you will see, everyone who participated had a little too much fun with this one. And For those of you who didn't participate I wont name names, Scott, next weeks drawing should provide MORE than ample Ideas.
"Taste the Color Circle." and "Once upon a Tim."
Holy S#@* I cant wait to see what crawls out of everyone's mind.

Dr. Druid says
"GO See Gentlmen Broncos. It will blow your Brain Sack against the Wall."

Professor Segress's Submission, Ralph Bakshi Style.

"If Bilbo was brewing star juice, even a D.A.R.E officer could not refuse it." Wilson J

Dr. Madame, showing Us the process of Brewing Star Juice. Each Step is Vital.

Dr. Ciacco says this is not Bilbo Baggins, but 'Big Ol Baggins' and he is IN
the Star Juice. IN IT.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Well... This week had less participation, but had full flavor.
Cheeeeeeeeeeze Out De Door? Yes Please!
It is up to YOU, the viewer to decide who is the Hero and who
is the Villain in this exciting piece by Dr. Musser. But it is hard to go wrong with
Udder Cannons. See the Link to Andy's blog for a detailed description of this fine work.

When Casey Jones first read the Words for this weeks exercise,
he immediately sketched this out. Immediately. Very Funny.
And for those of you who do not know what a 'Shart' is,
I recommend the Urban Dictionary.
Have you ever burst into a room with a song and a dance only to then realize you
are not at the old folks home singing Christmas carols like you should have been, but at
a gathering of ruffian construction workers??
Yeah, Me Neither. By Wilson

Friday, October 1, 2010


So Far, the most anticipated of all the exercises. We had become very busy with real work, and had to put this baby on hold for FOUR WEEKS. And When Jon gave the green light to start this one back up, we were not disappointed.
Sweet Almighty... Dr. Ciacco wins this week. Hands down.

Dr. Musser. This is to be the first and last installment of the adventures of The Cosmic Conductor. The Chin of Doom was a Far too Mighty of a Foe, and The Cosmic Conductor was defeated without much of a fight. BUT. The Cosmic Conductors Hair, That sweet and mighty fine Mullet lives on to fight another Day, and in fact comes back to destroy the Chin of Doom. This is actually based on true events... Jon's Mullet is out there somewhere defeating Giant Robots and just being generally bad ass.

Another Glass Half Full installment from Wizard Sleeve Spreckle

Dr. Ciacco in his element
by Wilson J Henry

Moon Beam Blast off Update

Dr Mussers Original Scan of this was not up to Wizard class seven standards. Here is a nice clean scan for all to enjoy. And I hear there is a color version in the works!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Weekly Exorcism Part Deux

Week two was an overall success, even though Dr. Ciacco could not pull through for the Team. But Fun was again had by all.
From The Bag Emerged
"Ten Foot Long Beard" and "No Inflammatory remarks"
Wilson J Henry
THE Slender Man
Dr. Casey "Wizard Flaps" Jones Dr. Druid Starbuilder

This blog has been approved by Dr. Dusty Rhoads Rouzen

This blog will make you wanna sit down!


We at RUN studios are a coffee drinking, fun having, hard laughing lot who intend to release the creative juices each week by pulling two items from the "Bag of Visions and Mysteries." In this old Chipolte bag there is many quotes and quips, and we combine two each week and go off and create... and then come back and laugh. This exercise is intended not just as a creative experiment, but a teaching tool on life, love and the pursuit of the funny. Any and all Similarity of Names and Likenesses of persons living or dead are probably intentional, so deal with it.

Out of the Bag Week One

Pulled from the "Bag of Visions and Mysteries" Maiden voyage:
"Moon Beam Blastoff" and "The One Time"
Anthony T. T. T. Thomas

Professor Jon Keyframe Hypershade


The Slender Man A.K.A Dr. Trapcode Shadow Sword
Dr. Ciacco

Casey Jones